3500 NW 7th St, Miami, FL 33125
(786) 332-2983
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- Forms
- Tradition
- The Alpine
- The Presidential
- Praying Hands
- Natural Salt
- Natural Earth
- Life Flame
- Imperial
- HM Reflection
- Flag Case
- Echo Sphere Sand
- Echo Sphere Salt
- Colonial
- Classic Aluminum
- Butterfly
- Alumina
- Happy Memories™ Standing Spray
- Soldier Salute™ Standing Spray
- Tender Touch™ Standing Spray
- Refreshing Mix™ Standing Spray
- Sleep in Peace™ Wreath
- Treasured Memories™ Standing Spray
- Gently into the Ever-After™ Standing Spray
- Exquisite Tribute™ Standing Spray
- Exquisite Tribute™ Standing Spray White
- Wreath of Remembrance™-Blue Ribbon
- Treasured Tribute™ Wreath
- Cherished Friend™ Bouquet- VASE INCLUDED
- Eternal Light™ Bouquet
- Valencia White
- Valencia Silver
- Valencia London Blue
- Valencia Light Orchid
- Valencia Ebony
- Valencia Autumn Haze
- Sterling White Silver Rose
- Sterling Storm Blue Spruce Blue
- Sterling Spruce Blue
- Sterling Silver Rose
- Sterling Grecian Gold
- Sterling Empire Blue
- Sterling Ebony and Platinum
- Bradford White
- Bradford Silver
- Bradford Orchid
- Bradford Monarch Blue
- Bradford Antique Copper
- Golden Garden Casket Spray
- Standing Cross
- The Blessings
- The Soft Touch
- The Pastel Basket
- The Sleep in Heaven Wreath
- Together Forever
- The Beautiful Sleep
- The Loving Memory
- Sincere Casket Spray
- Loving Memories Standing Spray
- Lifelong Tribute
- Divine Bouquet
- Amazing Grace
- Broken Heart
- Remember Forever
- The Tribute Wreath
- The Beautiful Life
- Always in our Hearts
- Hope and Honor
- Deep Faith
- Baby Girl Spray
- Tender Treasure
- Forever Beloved
- Soft Touch
- All Red Roses
- Angel Wings Casket Spray
- Blanket of Flowers
- Hearts Lantern
- Classic White
- Comfort Planter
- Grace
- Open Heart
- Vivid Memories
- Small Sterling Silver Chromate Filigree Cylinder Pendant
- Life Print Oval With Initial
- Life Print Cross
- Life Print Heart
- Keepsake Teddy Bear
- Standing Forever Heart
- The Majestic
- Butterfly Porcelain Urn
- Hummingbird Porcelain Urn
- Cultured Granite
- Cloisonné Iris
- The Brass Collection Eternal Rose
- Cloisonné Going Home
- Blue Going Home Birds
- Black Engraved Urn
- Full Size Black & Gold Urn
- Black Elite Brass Urn
- Platinum Engraved Urn
- Silver Oak Urn
- Mother of Pearl Urn
- Golden Scarlet
- Silver Pearl
- Golden Leaf
- Navy Elegance
- Marbled Crimson
- Golden Ivory
- Serenity Doves
- Traditional Mother of Pearl Urn
- Stars and Stripes
- Picture Frame Chest
- Howard Miller Continuum Series
- Lighthouse Urn
- Pioneer Urn
- Ever Upward
- A Life Remembered
- Bittersweet Dawn
- Tranquil Tears
- Final Flight
- Bittersweet Twilight Memorial Flowers (Frame Not Included)
- Lady Love Bouquet