With just one call, one of our dedicated funeral directors can arrange to have your loved one transported in a price conscious manner

Direct and International Shipping Of Human Remains
At times families are faced with final requests from loved ones regarding their final resting place. This can be their homeland or to be with specific family members that may be out of state or out of the country. La Paz Funeral Home can help fulfill those final wishes at an affordable and expedited manner by transferring your loved-one anywhere in the world! Contact us today for a quick quote!
Ship Loved One Home
La Paz Funeral Home can transfer human remains so your loved ones can be sent back to their home state or homeland. There are times that your loved one may have final wishes of their final resting place. This request may to be sent back to their home. This home could possibly be in another state or possibly another country. You can fulfill these final wishes either by transferring a cremated love one or their remains back home.
Ship Loved One To Family
La Paz Funeral Home knows that some family members have specific wishes of a final resting place. At times, this may be with other family that may live in another state or country. You can fulfill these final wishes either by transferring a cremated love one or their remains to be buried in a cemetery at their destination.
We Stand Ready To Assist You
Would you like one of our Directors to contact you? Feel free to call us anytime for whatever reason. Rest assured, we’re here for you and your family.